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A fellowship of believers striving to walk with Jesus Christ

Our primary goal at the chapel is to create equipped believers, excited to follow Jesus Christ and willing to follow Him by displaying their works through service and life.

The Bible

We believe that both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God. It was written by prophets and apostles who were guided and directed by the Holy Spirit and is, therefore, entirely trustworthy, and without error in the original writings. It is the complete revelation of God’s will for the salvation of people and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.


We believe that man is created in the image of God as biological male and female, but in Adam’s disobedience and rebellion against God, all humanity is born into sin and because of that are liable to eternal punishment.


We believe in one God, who is the Creator of all things. He eternally exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is immutable.


We believe that Jesus is the eternal Son of God, the Messiah sent by God, preannounced in the prophecies of the Scriptures who willingly became 100% man yet remained 100% God.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary so that He might redeem sinful humanity. Redemption was accomplished through His death on the cross, burial, and bodily resurrection. He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God, and now intercedes for Christians.

Holy Spirt

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, though omnipresent from all eternity, took up His abode in the world in a special sense on the day of Pentecost according to the divine promise, dwells in every believer, and by His baptism unites all to Christ in one body, and that He, as the Indwelling One, is the source of all power and all acceptable worship and service.

The Godhead/Trinity

We believe that the Godhead eternally exists in three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—and that these three are one God, having precisely the same nature, attributes, and perfections, and worthy of precisely the same homage, confidence, and obedience.


Salvation is deliverance from spiritual death and enslavement by sin.  God provides salvation to all through the finished work of Jesus Christ, His atoning death, burial, and resurrection.  Salvation is appropriated to all who believe and accept His offer of forgiveness that He freely extends.

The Church

We believe that the Church is a group of born-again believers who are banded together for the purpose of world evangelization.  The New Testament teaches that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and that all true believers constitute the body and bride of Christ. We believe the local church is an assembly of believers of Jesus Christ who are voluntarily joined together in one locality for the purpose of worship, fellowship, the study of God’s Word, and observance of the ordinances. The Waynesburg Bible Chapel is a body that is elder ruled, who are considered under-shepherds of the Great Shepherd Jesus.

Human Sexuality

We believe that God’s plan and design for the expression of human sexuality to be solely based within the confines of a marriage between one man and one woman. There is a blessing on both married and single as shown in the scriptures.


We believe that there are two ordinances of the church which are believer's baptism and the Lord’s Supper/communion. The two ordinances are not part of salvation but in response and reminders of the work that Jesus Christ has done for all believers.

Jesus Christ’s Return

We believe the Bible teaches the personal, imminent return of Jesus. For those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, this will be a joyous and glorious event when they are caught up. For those who have rejected Jesus as their Lord and Savior, it will be followed by an end in judgment and eternal separation from God.

Waynesburg Bible Chapel

800 E. Greene St, Waynesburg PA 15370

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